Whats with all the hunger?

Its been a long time since I posted…hasn’t it been. The thing is there are no  new updates.
My weight is still around 160.5lbs, I am still struggling managing full time work, a 3 .5 year old who tells me “Amma I am 16 years old, I can drive”  ,cooking every single day and of course squeezing in exercise.

What I have been noticing is a chain, a pattern here.
If I am exercising and watching what I eat, I am maintaining or maybe reducing by 1 lbs.
But I am gaining all of that back during my monthly cycle.


So new strategy is required.

I have updated my weight chart and also my exercise plan.

I still want to continue exercising 5 times a week.
MY plan during the monthly cycle is to eliminate exercise during the 3 days and concentrate only on food.

Yesterday was a rest day for me and for some strange reason I was super duper hungry. I ate and ate like there is no tomorrow.
I dropped Bunny at preschool, went to work, had a after work class till 7:30 PM.
After that I came  home and made tofu parathas for dinner and hubby helped me with bellpepper and potato curry.

I ate like 4 parathas with the curry. 4….can you believe that? And those are like 125 calories each.

I have also noticed that my I am not drinking the necessary 8 glasses of water a day.

So next couple of days:

1. Drink 8 glasses of water.
2.Track food.
3. Maintain exercise 5 times a week.

Last weigh in (Saturday):160.4 lbs

4 thoughts on “Whats with all the hunger?

  1. hmm.. I would advise that you measure out your food. Sometimes, we eat more than what we estimate!

    also eat more frequent meals. ALWAYS combine protein with carbohydrate. It gives satiety and keeps you full longer. Another thing eat smaller frequnt meals! It wont let you overeat in any particular meal. If you are too too hungry eat what you planned. Wait about half hour, see of you are still hungry and eat again. Sometimes the brain takes 20 minutes to understand that tummy darling is full.

    Otherwise eat cucumbers/ carrots cos they fill you up pretty easy!!

    sorry too much advise? but hope it helps!

    • Sugar..yes..I need to add more protein I beleive.
      But sometimes its just soo easy to make rice thinking I will just eat 1 cup…which always ends up being ooops I ate all of mine as well as kiddos leftovers….

  2. Ahh, I feel like that so many times! Sometimes its genuine hunger, while sometimes (read recently), its my frustration! My weight is not going down anyways, so it anyways doesnt matter! I know.. lame! 😀

    • Actually…….same pinch…..I saw ur weight chart and I was smiling..because its exactly like mine.
      But the good thing is, we are taking some action towards a better health.

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